Retail Fast PassTM
Shopping Made Safe, Fun AND Easy
Executive Brief
Know how many people are in the queue
Provide a safe environment for your customers
Keep customers engaged with your brand
Ensure your employees feel safe and confident returning to work
Comply with government regulations
Adapting to Physical Distancing Shopping
As the retail world begins to move toward the new normal, it is imperative for us to be flexible and comfortable returning to physical shopping.
Retail Fast PassTM allows customers to shop at their favorite stores efficiently and safely.
A Cloud-Based Check-In Management System
The Retail Fast PassTM exists to:
- Manage customer wait times and expectations
- Easily integrate with existing appointment booking software
- Communicate with your customer
The shopping experience has changed, but one thing hasn’t... ...The importance of a good customer experience.
How Does it Work For Your Customers?

The Best Part?
Get started today and be up and running in no time! No need to download or install anything.