
Communicate With All of Your Customers

Your customers are fantastic, and you want to make sure you're reaching out and keeping them informed.

But how do you make sure you're keeping ALL of them informed?

Over 75% of customers say they would like to hear from you through text. The problem is that most businesses have fewer than 5% of their customers text consent on record. 

SPLICE enables you to collect these text consents quickly and easily. Here's our process:

  1. Filter your current customer database for existing consent
  2. Segment your customers based on landline and mobile phones
  3. Send out automated communications that allow recipients to move from a phone conversation to a text conversation
  4. Capture their consent during the text conversation

It's as easy as that. Actively capturing more customer consent allows you to communicate with all of your customers, in the channel they prefer, with the legal consent on file to do it. 



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